15 Januari 2008

I'm Happy Today...

I'm so happy today.
Because it's a happy day..he3x. Well, this is the last day i had the final test for this semester. And I feel that these test were better than the last semester. And I watched 2 good movies.

the first is Mr woodcock. It's genred as comedy, but to me, most of the scene are of dramas. It tells about an adult(John Farley) whose kid time was full with hatred to his Phys. ed. teacher(mr Woodcock) that taught him like a soldier(some of those is his sarcasticness). And when he decided to go home following his success as a bestseller-book-writer( which is titled as "Letting go, how To Get Past Your Past"), He found out that Mr woodcock is dating this farley's Mom! then he tries to get some revenge, but He later found out that Mr woodcock is not as bad as he always think..

The second is "Freedom Writers".
It tells a story about a new teacher that dwells in the world of Rascism and gangs in Long beach, LA. It is told that such condition is due to the conflict between three races:The Latinos, The ASian, and The Black. It WAs war that's been living in by these boys of Wilson School. The hard world in the street, interascial war, abusement, murder in their teenage is hard. even for them. she tried so hard, trying To teach them in English major, from the freshmen year. Trying to get their trust, unite them, and showing them that dying of war will do nothing but sorrow. she tried so hard that she has to lose her husband. finally, They, together change the community sorround them into a better place to live in, one of them by making the students as writers, each tell their own story-in freedom.
It's a semi documentary film, I guess. Well produced movie based on true story. I suggest that You ought to prepare some tissue, because this movie is going to force us shed some tears...

I'm Happy.

Kelanjutan kasus Indosat

Akhirnya,2 hari setelah menulis kabar ttg indosat, Diriku menyambangi kantor Indosat Jogja...

CSO Indosat mengakui bahwa aku adalah salah satu pelanggan yang "beruntung" menerima promosi berupa I-Ring Gratis selama sebulan yang dapat dilanjutkan dengan berbayar...

akhirnya Aku gagal mendapatkan Pulsaku kembali.

oya, Ada saran bagus dari mbak CSO-nya lo... Katanya, kalau dapat sesuatu yang gratsi2 itu, langsung bilang aja (lapor ke Indosat) gitu..
(*well nice advice, I wished She sms-ed me like that the day I got this "promotion"!)

Kalau anda tau2 dapet I-ring gratis dan anda tidak suka...segera ketik STOP kirim kr 808!


10 Januari 2008

Silica Gel

A friend of mine this morning gave me a useful advice for my pocket camera.

He believes that the level of the air's humidity can affect the life of my pocket camera..

so...He gave me a package of...silica gel!
He said that I should put that in some air-vacuumed place with my camera. Initially, they were blue, but as time goes by they'll turn into violet. When that happens, We should Heaten it until it turns blue again.

nice advice..ThX!

09 Januari 2008


Baru kali ini kita akan berbicara mengenai matematika...

matematika adalah logika, bukan semata2 berhitung...kalo itu, namanya aritmatika.

berlogika adlaah kegiatan kita sehari, though sometimes we dont like it...

karena aku mahasiswa matematika...


kita coba dengan yang mudah..contoh mudah dari kombinatorika. dikutip dari buku "Mathematics for Pleasure"

Ijul membeli 100 buah buah2an, terdiri dari apel jeruk dan peach. jika Ijul menghabiskan 800rb rupiah untuk membeli 100buah tersebut dengan rincian harga apel Rp2000, Jeruk Rp 3000, dan PEach Rp 5000. berapakah selisih jumlah apel dan jeruk?

dicoba dirumah ya..
akan dibahas lagi pada posting yang akan datang..

04 Januari 2008

Baru sekarang kita merasakan akibatnya kan?

Bencana di Indonesia bagian mana saja. terakhir dan lagi hangat2nya(saat ini) adalah banjir yang melanda tanah jawa. baik jakarta maupun jawa tengah. Kapankah kita sadar akan apa yang kita perbuat ini. terutama masyarakat Jakarta.

Kapan kita sadar akan pentingnya alam bagi hidup kita?

Kapan kita sadar bahwa kita tak mampu melawan ganasnya alam ketika ia mengamuk?

Kapan kita sadar bahwa kitalah yang menyebabkan banjir ini? Kita semua yang bertanggung jawab atas semua ini. 
Sungai2 meluap, entah karena tingginya tingkat sedimentasi Waduk gajah Mungkuryang menyebabkannya tak mampu menahan volume air yang tinggi. apakah kita sudah memperhatikan saluran air kita?

Apakah kita sudah memperhatikan daerah2 serapan air disekitar kita?
Apakah kecepatan tanah menyerap air mampu menandingi derasnya air yang menghujani daerah kita?
apakah anda sadar kalau makin sedikit daerah serapan air menyebabkan tingkat penyerapan air menurun?


Aku telah dirampok pada tanggal 2 januari 2008 yang silam

Siapa yang NGERAMPOK?
itu tu...perusahaan terkenal di indonesia...
dah pada kenal semua kan

gimana ceritanya?
ceritanya gini, beberapa bulan yang silam aku dapet I-RING GRATIS. lho kok gratis? Ya karena aku sebagai pelanggan INDOSAT yang memakai IM3 tidak pernah mendaftarkan untuk berlangganan. Padahal, untuk punya ringbacktone, kita harus daftar untuk berlangganan kan?

Karena kukira lagi promosi(karena, jujur, lagunya pun aku tadinya belum kenal) aku ya nyantai2 aja kan? Lha wong gratis kok. masa kita complain
? tapi, beberapa hari sebelum tahun baru 2008 mendapatkan sms dari INDOSAT yang intinya menerangkan bahwa i-ringnya akan diperpanjang secara otomatis dengan biaya sekian.. aku mulai khawatir. Dan aku pun selalu mencoba menghubungi operator(dial 300) yang tak bisa dihubungi dan diperoleh kejelasan tentang masalah ini..dan karena aku butuh komunikasi, akhirnya aku beli pulsa senilai 25rb pada tgl 1jan08...

dan akhirnya pada tanggal 2 januari, pulsaku terpotong secara OTOMATIS sebanyak sekian.......
BETE, KESAL, MARAH, JENGKEL menghantuiku selama 2 hari berikutnya....


Kantor Indosat Jogja...bersiaplah untuk Dibakar!
jika masalah ini tidak selesai juga sesampainya aku disana...bersiap-siaplah!

buat pelanggan lainnya, hati2 lah jika mendapat i-ring gratis. siapa tahu PULSA ANDA TELAH TERPOTONG SECARA OTOMATIS! hua3xx....:-) (seringai Indosat)


setelah kenyang makan di hotmeal..(yang bisa dilakukan palig sering sebulan sekali...), kita ke SIC.menuliskan pikiran2 yang mandek diotak selama beberapa bulan ini.

hotmeal adalah warung makan yang bisa dibilang best value, karena dengan harga 10rb-an bisa makan dengan "porsi kuli"..he3x.di mal lagi.dan lain dari pada yang lain...aku berharap bisa mencoba tempat makan yang juga best value. tapi rasa juga penting lo...Ga asal kenyang.

The Naive Tourist!

It was today when I was in a Ambarrukmo Plaza, especially when I was in front of an ATM, There were a group of tourists. they were visiting jogja and by any chance, probably wanted to see the Plaza.

they were gathering nearby the ATM section, because, they were alternatingly drew money from the ATM. and I Was Shocked!

why did I have to be shocked just by a bunch of tourist?

well, to tell you the truth and i am not joking at the time, there was a young man who kept his cards--probably with his money--in his UNDERWEAR. let me make it clear...In His U-N-D-E-R-W-E-A-R...see??

luckily, it was only a glance that I got such a *** view. He was in T-shirt and a short. And I have no idea why he did it like that...

Or, they have a new technology? Maybe a POCKeT in The UnderWear? ha3x....

why naive?
Because, I have been told almost the same thing by my had-deceased grandfather. He told me to use short before a long pant, so that I can put my money in the pocket of my short. that is one way to prevent me from being pickpocketed...

but who will pickpocket a tourist in a plaza? That's ridiculous!
Hadn't they been in such places before? just like in Auckland, maybe...

why auckland? Because, I watched a program that describe the travel to Auckland. Where , in such city, You'll never find any nightlife..any nightlife activity in there, just a 24-hour supermarket...whooooo...